Let's Go Play Outside!

backyard projects, hikes, and other outdoor family fun

#12 – Go to the county fair {52 outdoor activities}

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{52 outdoor activities} is a series featuring a unique idea for each week of the year to inspire you and your kids to get outside for some fun.

county fair I grew up in what we can call a more metropolitan area than where we live now.  When we went to the fair, it was crowded, there were lots of loud rides, and I don’t remember seeing any livestock except for the “world’s largest pig” that I paid $.50 to see with my friends when I was in 10th grade.

Now that I am raising my little family in the middle of nowhere, the fair is totally different.  Here in the country, the fair smells like cows, not like funnel cakes.  At the little county fair we went to last weekend, there were no rides.  There were antique tractors though.  It was nice to walk around on a cool, sunny morning and marvel at the animals that still seem exotic to me, but are not quite as fascinating to my children who have seen quite a bit of cows, chickens, and sheep in their brief lives.  Neither of them wanted the cows to be too close to them.  We did watch the FFA kids showing their cows, which seemed to be a lot of standing around while an announcer tried to make jokes about who was doing it best.

We like to hit the exhibits too.  Giant pumpkins!  Giant sunflowers!  Quilts!  Golf carts!  Bunnies! Tons and tons of grade school artwork.

Anyway, it was good times.  You should go to a fair too.


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Author: Mo

I'm a mama, wife, Jesus-follower, crafter, nap-taker, and librarian. I believe in kids playing outside and that's what I write about here.

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